Sunday, March 18, 2012

Warkentin #3

We are excited to welcome little Warkentin #3 at the beginning of April 2012 - or the end of March would be fine with me!!  Due date is April 3, 2012, but the week before that is Spring Break, so it would be nice if the baby was born then so that Ryan would be home.  But I guess we can't plan everything and the baby will come when he/she wants to! 

I'll post an ultrasound picture when I can get it on my computer to upload.  We haven't found out if the baby is a boy or a girl, so we'll have another surprise.  We didn't find out with Cassia or Easton, but this time I really wanted to know.  I'm not sure why because it's not like it matters or that I would prefer one or the other.  But Ryan didn't want to know, so I knew that if I knew, I would spill the beans!  Oh well, you don't get many true surprises, so this will be one of them. 

The pregnancy has gone pretty well.  Lots of nausea for the first 14 weeks, which is not great, but I know it could have been a lot worse!  All the aches and pains started soooooooo much sooner this time.  I don't ever remember even feeling that uncomfortable when I was pregnant with Cassia.  I never had a contraction with her (she was breech, so I had to have a planned C-section) and I don't even think I had any Braxton Hicks either.  With Easton, I started feeling a lot of pain and pressure on my C-section scar around 31 weeks and it was pretty painful to walk after that.  And I had a VBAC with him, so I definitely had contractions!! :) 

This time, the painful walking started at 17 weeks!!!  I couldn't believe it.  But, thankfully, after about a month, it eased up a bit.  It came back, but it was nice to have some time where it felt a bit better.  Of course, all the other pregnancy pains started a lot earlier too.  But the fun things like feeling kicks was sooner too, so I guess that balances it out. 

I feel like I haven't had too much time to even think about this baby coming!  With two little kids and working full time, it is hard to do too much more.  I am aware almost every minute of the day that I'm pregnant, but I think I might be shocked when a baby actually is born! :)  However, I am only 2 weeks away from my due date now and 2 days away from work ending for a year.  Well, at least the kind of work I get paid money for.  For the next year, I'll be paid in messy diapers, spit up, slobber, goofy grins, giggles and hugs and kisses.  That's a good deal - I'll take it.

38 Weeks

Easton's 3rd Birthday!

Easton had a great 3rd Birthday!  He got to have both sets of Grandparents there, so he was very excited.  Uncle Brent and my friend Andrea also came to celebrate and we had Thanksgiving dinner together, then Easton’s birthday cake and presents.  Easton loved his train cake.  It was fun to make, but of course took too much time!  His favourite part was the candy.  He hardly ate any of the cake – it was all about the candy. 

We got him a train table that a friend of mine made and was ready to part with.  Easton loves it and it is big enough that both he and Cassia can play on it and not fight ALL the time.  Actually, they do a pretty good job.

He also got some other neat gifts.  He thought that the remote on his remote-controlled car was an iPod. J  And he is enjoying the tractors that go along with his barn. 

Cupcakes Easton took to daycare.

Setting up the cake.

Okay, I think he loves it!

Other views...

We had a good time and I can’t believe Easton is three.  What a big boy!

It's been 5 months?!?!?!?!

Oh my.  Talk about inconsistent!  I guess I'll need to make a few posts to catch up on the highlights of the past 5 months.  Although, I'm sure if anyone was checking my blog, they have stopped now.  Oh well...

I'll start back with October and Easton's Birthday Pictures.